Rick Weaver Buick GMC

Jan 17, 2024

Here at Rick Weaver Buick GMC, we not only take pride in offering high-quality GMC vehicles but also in celebrating the rich history of the brand, which includes the iconic GMC logo. The logo is an integral part of the automaker’s identity, which has evolved over the years, reflecting the brand’s commitment to quality, durability, and high-quality engineering. Our dealers are happy to take you on a journey through the history of the GMC logo.


The origins of the GMC logo can be traced back to the early 20th century when the brand first emerged as the Rapid Motor Vehicle Company in 1902. The initial emblem featured a design that was bold and straightforward, elements that have persisted to the logo’s modern design.

The Winged Shield Era

Starting in 1912, GMC adopted the winged shield emblem, which is a symbol of strength and protection. This iconic logo graced the front of GMC vehicles for over five decades, until 1966. The winged shield represented the GMC commitment to producing robust and reliable trucks and cars.

Modernization and Simplification

As design evolved in the mid-20th century, so did the GMC logo. In 1966, the winged shield underwent a transformation, simplifying into a cleaner and more contemporary design. The letters “GMC” were integrated into the emblem, creating a distinctive and timeless logo that is emblematic of the brand’s legacy.

The Current GMC Logo

In the early 2000s, GMC introduced the current iteration of its logo, which places an emphasis on precision craftsmanship and technology. The red and silver “GMC” letters are enclosed in a chrome ring, symbolizing the GMC commitment to cutting-edge design and engineering.

Experience the GMC Logo at Rick Weaver Buick GMC

As you visit our showroom at Rick Weaver Buick GMC, you will witness the modern GMC logo. And once you get behind the wheel of a GMC SUV on a test-drive, you will discover the timeless engineering quality that defines the automaker. Stop by our dealership today!